Annette Blackmore has been an adult registered nurse since qualifying in 1987 in Cardiff. Predominately working in the NHS, she has also enjoyed working in Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX (1989-1991) which is where she first nursed patients with Sickle Cell Disorder.
Having some gaps in her career to raise her 5 children, she commenced working in Haematology at University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff in 2009. There she was seconded into the role of Sickle cell and Thalassaemia nurse specialist for 6 months in 2015 and then returned to take on the role full time in 2017, insisting that the role evolved into an acute role to address the problems being faced by patients in the hospital setting.
Now working as part of a growing team funded by WHSCC, which will include youth worker, physiotherapist, and psychologist she will be over seeing the care of patients around South &West Wales.
She has been a member of the committee of UK Forum of Haemoglobinopathy disorders since 2019. Also assisted on the panel at Haemoglobinopathy peer review visits.
Since commencing her role in the service she has raised over £1000 for the Sickle Cell Society by completing a sponsored cycle around Cuba, and money for UK Thalassaemia Society by organising a “Drag Queen” night with one of the Thalassaemia patients performing. Also completed small fund raising events to fund the annual study days which are attended by secondary and primary care staff, plus the local patient’s support group.